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Hear from the people who have transformed their lives
Fibromyalgia & Anxiety
Where do I start… I had suffered with a very painful & chronic condition called fibromyalgia for more than a decade and despite years of trialing the best efforts of my GP and a rheumatologist, I did not get any better. I experienced all fibromyalgia’s horrible symptoms such as unexplained rashes on my back and head, crippling pain in my joints especially arms, legs and feet. Unfortunately, I also suffered from other health issues such as high blood pressure, varicose and broken veins, nerve damage in my feet, high anxiety levels, poor sleep patterns, mood swings, brain fog, nasal congestion, and asthma. My life consisted of physical and emotional pain. I started each day by swallowing fistfuls of pharmaceutical medications, which only helped to a degree but were causing as many problems as they were curing.
One day, my husband Stan, bumped into a friend who told him how he had been working with Ben and Jodie of the Invictus Clinics, and how it had changed his life. Stan very excitedly rushed home to tell me of his friend’s health success and asked if I would be willing to give it a go! I was so tired of the pain, the itchy and sore rashes on my body, the extreme tiredness and all the continuous pill popping just to keep my head above water! It didn’t take long for me to decide that I wanted to explore this path… And then I met Ben.
Ben, after assessing my condition, programmed my diet to specific living foods only and provided natural regenerative medicines to heal my body. After a very short time, I was no longer experiencing the pain in my arms and feet. After a month I was almost pain free! Even the daily headaches I had been experiencing disappeared; Simply BLISS!
I was also enjoying the luxury of refreshing sleep! As time went by the awful itchy and sore rashes disappeared, flexibility returned to my body and I was even able to take up running again, with great results!! Ben worked with me at every stage of the healing process.
Today I no longer take any pharmaceutical drugs, and live pain free. I have continued intuitively with my food intake and feel physically and mentally at my best. Life would not be as good for me as it is now if I hadn’t met Ben.
Performance Improvements
I have had the pleasure of utilising several of the services provided by Invictus Clinic, and have been very impressed by them, as well as lovely staff.
Ben & Jodie are fun loving and exuberant in nature but extremely professional when it’s time to work. My partner and I have benefited greatly a number of the Natural Herbs and Medicines offered by the clinic as well as from the indulgent Ceremonial Cacao. ( Our favourite 🙂 ) I have also has the opportunity to have some PT sessions with Ben, which have been very beneficial and instructive in my fitness and wellbeing pursuits.
With fitness, comes diet. As the two are complementary in nature, Ben custom tuned a workout and diet plan that were compatible with my goals. Fueling the body works best if the body is working properly. A lot of dedication was put into our preliminary session to asses all the aspects of the body, ensuring they were working well and in good order.
Ben and Jodie have a plethora of knowledge and insight about getting the body to work together, Mentally and Physically.
Having recently experienced a Meditation and Breath-work session, I can attest to the rewards of a healthy mind as well as a fit and healthy body. I truly believe that Invictus Clinics are producing a level of program the world has never seen before and I would highly recommend their services to anyone.
Edit/insert: in recent times, my partner completed a 6 week program aimed at detoxifying her primary systems. The level of health and energy she has unlocked in such a short time is mind boggling. She is so excited to feel the way she does now and is totally hooked on life! it makes me emotional to talk about it.
I have been a sufferer of chronic pain for years, and when pain increased with symptoms like arthritis in my hands/fingers I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia and put onto anti depressants and other medications. I was told to exercise as they said it should help but pain and fatigue made it too hard to continue, despite all the medications and natural remedies offered by everyone around me... I felt like I had tried everything!
The medications eased some of the pain slightly but they caused side effects. I knew I couldn't continue this way!
Then I found Ben from the Invictus Clinic! I don’t have enough words to describe how grateful I am to this man! It has been about 5 weeks since I started my treatment plan and within the first few weeks I started noticing the difference in my symptoms and pain. I also started to feel better within myself mentally aswell! I could go to work and get through the day without pain and leaving in tears, my thumbs/ fingers no longer cracked and locked with pain! I could exercise and go for walks without feeling exhausted or being crippled with pain, and the list goes on!
I was able to eliminate all my medication except the anti depressants, though, at the time of writing this, I've been able to successfully halve them.. just building the confidence to dump them completely.
Ben was (and is) always available with advice or a pep talk to boost and keep me going when I would struggle with the discipline - he is such a inspiring man!
He is such a positive person and is 110% invested in helping me to get rid of my fibromyalgia and get my life back once and for all! With the success I have had in such a short amount of time I truly believe I will be rid of this pain forever!
I strongly recommend doing a treatment plan through Ben if you're ready to get your life back! He knows what he is talking about and even if you don’t understand it (like I didn’t) trust him, and trust the process. I can’t urge you enough - do it!
Ovarian Cancer | Spinal Fusion + Lymphatic Paresis
I struck up a conversation with Ben at the gym one day and straight away realised he had a passion for health and an unbelievable knowledge of the human body and it’s entire functionality; no ‘bro science’ here. We built a friendship over a short period of time and soon after my wife was diagnosed with an aggressive cervical cancer. I to was having health issues but our focus was on her. Before, during and post medical treatment, Ben has guided us through natural therapies, botanicals, nutrition, detoxification, fasting protocols and fitness regimes which has resulted in complete remission of her cancer. Post treatment protocols have helped with forced menopause from radiation that have seen reductions in all of her symptoms.
Throughout the entire process Ben displayed a professional, but personal approach. I also enlisted in his acquired skill set to help me with my own set of health issues. I recently underwent Spinal fusion that came about from an old injury that never quite healed right. Following the surgery I was on a bag (I’m not even exaggerating... a BAG) of heavy pharmaceuticals and after researching how they worked, I did not want to take!! I reached out to Ben for pain management and detoxification from the pharmaceuticals I had taken. His treatment plan saw my body functioning correctly, feeling much better within myself and 100% pain free within a month of the procedure.
It is without any doubt that I would strongly recommend sitting down with Ben to discuss any health issues, minor or chronic, that most likely would be brushed off, or not understood, by our conventional medical system.
Thank you Ben for your care and passion.
Depression & Anxiety
I am so happy I was introduced to Ben. When I presented to him, I was overweight, fatigued, suffering from ‘brain fog’ and really just at the end of my tether from seeing different health professionals, trying to find out what was going on in my body.
Arggh!! From my very first consultation, Ben really listened to what I had to share with him about my concerns….and frustrations!! I sent him a barrage of previous tests I had done including bloods, urine and iridology. He then went away and came back to me with a holistic view of how one problem may be related to another. His ability to see how these different parts affect one another within the human body is where he is the most priceless.
Ben addressed all of my health needs in his treatment plan and really took the time to explain them in terms and a language that I could understand without getting intensely technical. He was also happy to answer my many questions and patient when I forgot some things (I would have to ask him the same things numerous times.)
I am feeling so much better already as I complete each of my personally designed protocols; bloating has reduced significantly, energy levels are up, better mental clarity, focus and I feel SO much more in control of my emotions.
Ben your expertise, professionalism, kindness and caring support has been invaluable to me. You are very considerate, personable and easy to chat to with such an approachable manner. Health professionals like Ben are so incredibly difficult to find so I have been more than happy to use technology to bridge the geographical barrier as we live on opposite sides of this great country.
This relationship has been invaluable to me, and I highly recommend Ben to anyone who has a vested interest in the health and well being of their body.
My name is Julie, I'm 51 years old. I enlisted Bens help as I was having really irregular bowel movements, I was sluggish, low in energy and putting on weight rapidly too! This was not normal for me!!
Ben started me on a protocol designed just for me, (not a one suits all thing). I found it easy to follow, and was COMMITTED! I was wanting to feel AMAZING sooner than later and Ben drilled into me that success would ultimately come down to my discipline. I loved being held to this standard by him!!
My bowel movements improved within a week and 5 weeks later I was feeling wonderful, energised and 8 kilo lighter!
I loved the fact that Ben was always available to speak with on the phone if I need advice or a boost. I'm certainly embracing this lifestyle for my ongoing health and wellness I would strongly recommend anyone looking for a different approach to body, mind and spirit wellness to get in touch with Ben at the Invictus Clinic.
Thank you so much Ben!
Invictus Clinics & Ben Kowal is the real deal!!
For those suffering from acute or chronic health problems, we are entering a generation of no longer being able to ‘treat’ our symptoms with pills and toxic drugs – while they have their place in the short term or emergency care &/or life-saving surgery, they have almost zero place in health.
Ben takes a multi-dimensional approach to each individuals health and has an amazing tenacity to get to the bottom of each and every one. You will be guided through a journey of responsibility to fantastic health.
I would place full trust in Ben’s ability to help anyone return to a level of health, or achieve a level of health they’ve never had before.
After years & years of headaches, tinnitus and sinus issues; having been down the medical road of MRI’s, scans, blood tests and all the pharmaceuticals to go with it, I had no permanent relief. I had also experienced a notable loss in my cognitive abilities, something I used to pride myself on.
Jodie had been encouraging me, whenever I went to pick up my prescriptions, to give the Invictus program a go but I liked the instant relief. I did some research and found there were natural remedies for all this.
For the few years that I’ve known about the Invictus Way I have always been skeptical for a few reasons but mainly from a Christian point to hear 'holistic healing' does not quite sit well. Having known Ben and Jodie for many years I went and had a serious chat with them I decided to give it a go, since life is a marathon and not a sprint, a few months of trying it out wouldn’t hurt.
I will be honest, the regenerative medicines are not sugar coated and taste terrible. But my mind set, after talking to Ben, was to be 100% committed, so the short term sacrifice of fasting and a strict diet has long term benefits, so just be disciplined and do it.
After a very short time, it’s as if my body ‘realised change’ after it recovered from the shock of the catalyst protocol Ben built for me. I found the dry flaky skin on my lower legs cleared up, the headaches are nothing to talk about now, my sinus’s are clear (usually winter really bogs me down, but not this time), and I had a fatty lump on my back that is starting to change in shape and seems smaller. My thinking is clearer and what surprises me the most, is the abundance of energy!
Ben’s energy and knowledge is inspiring! he is always available, like on a daily basis, to monitor, reassure, and encourage me. There are aspects of healing that can be quite challenging, and the process the body goes through can be a little intense at times, however Ben takes the time to explain exactly what is going on and why, and it becomes clear to see that it’s all perfectly normal and necessary.
Since commencing with Invictus, I have come to realise that despite having followed what I believed to be a ‘healthy’ eating plan for the last several years, all I was really doing was exacerbating an already bad foundation. I am only 3 weeks in and cannot believe the health I have achieved so far! I am very grateful to have stepped into this and I am looking forward to seeing the long term benefits from this journey!
My journey started with Invictus 6 months ago.
On my first meeting with Ben, I was unable to walk. I was in chronic pain with both achilles tendons and hip tendons frayed and bursitis. Pretty much a cripple at the age of 54.
After my first meeting, I felt like this was my last chance to get out of pain. In all honesty, I was ready to leave this world because I couldn't walk and no one could help me.
I started eating just fruits and stuck to a 90/10 rule for myself under Ben's guidance. Then, for 6 weeks I took every pill and potion in the Invictus program as per my protocol. I measured my heart rate, tested my urine using the baseline method the Invictus team taught me, and took my blood pressures. My results were constantly all over the place and very confusing to me, lucky Ben could explain it all (which kept me feeling very safe and eager to continue)!
Eventually, at around week 5, everything settled down, and I started to feel better. I'd lost weight, my pain was under control, I had brain function again, and weirdly enough, my eye sight all seemed better!
I was going to go ahead with the pre planned surgery on my left achilles and hip, of which required another MRI just prior to undergoing the operation (and I'm so grateful they did) as I received the most amazing news! The MRI’s taken before the program, and the new ones taken after the program showed that the frayed tendons in my left hip were healed!! Clear as day on the MRI and confirmed with a consult from a top hip surgeon!! The comparison undeniable and the improvement could be seen!
They tell me the bursa still needs to be operated on, but I can walk properly, I can ride my horse correctly, I can work a 12 hour day and still be sane with no pain at the end of it! so I'll continue to delay this 'required surgery' and just see what my body does with this bursa over a little more time 😊.
I am forever grateful to Ben and his team. My life is changed forever. I have stuck to eating fruit for 80 percent of my day. My skin is softer than ever and I am able to handle what life throws at me.
Grateful Heart
The Invictus family have been an answer to prayer and have restored my health naturally and I can't thank them enough. Being diagnosed and living with Proctitis was debilitating to say the least. I was living a life of pain and what felt like no hope of recovery. Taking the step to reach out to Invictus has been nothing short of an answer to prayer and a Blessing beyond measure. Ben's genuine kindness, knowledge and wisdom, backed by his amazing team behind the scenes gave me back my health to live every day with vibrancy and energy again. From my personal experience the Invictus way works, it's true HEALING from the inside, it's completely different to what I have experienced before now, which was being prescribed drugs that only masked my illnesses symptoms and don't heal the cause.
I was initially diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and my 1st autoimmune med was prescribed. My condition then escalated to Proctitis and then a further 3 stronger auto-immune meds were prescribed. Just getting out of bed was a struggle, my symptoms flared up constantly, destroying my quality of life. Adding these 3 new meds into my system just made me feel even worse as they had loads of side affects. I was told by my specialist this auto-immune was with me for life in a very cold and uncaring demeanour. I noticed all the patients who sat in the waiting room were so sad and forlorn and seemed to have no sense of hope, it broke my heart. It was depressing just sitting there.This entire process was cold, you were just another number. The lack of emotion and not genuinely listening didn't sit well with me.
I took a leap of faith and reached out to Ben. Wow!! What a breath of fresh air from the onset. His professionalism and expertise, coupled with a genuine heart filled with pure kindness has been nothing short of a Blessing. The Invictus family just eminate compassion and care, these qualities are not found often these days in the medical relm. Ben's dedication on my wellness journey has been unwavering. His natural way of healing had me off all my meds within the first month of following his protocols, my Proctitis symptoms have left me, my energy levels are higher than they have every been and my fitness goals are constantly being improved. I am so excited and hopeful as this wellness journey of mine continues.
Family is so important and Illnesses can destroy that beautiful harmony, Invictus has restored our families harmony with me being well again. Ben and Jodie have walked beside me every step of this wellness journey and I can't thank them enough for that. So much respect and love for their kindness
Becky K
Hello everyone, I am Michele Jones, and I want to take you on a journey, a journey that began on a Boxing Day in December 2020 when my life took a sudden turn. It started with extreme vomiting, unbearable pains, and a sense of feeling utterly awful.
As New Year's Eve approached, I found myself in the doctor's office, desperately seeking answers. But there were none to be found. The urgency of my situation wasn't clear, and I was left to wait until the New Year for further action.
Finally, the day came for my scan on the 8th January 2021. What they found was beyond what I could have imagined a severely blocked bile duct, pancreatitis, diverticulitis, and the beginnings of jaundice. My life was hanging by a thread.
And then came the chaotic aftermath of surgery.
The surgery was supposed to save me, but it only brought more challenges. A bowel perforation led to infection, sepsis, and soon, my organs began to shut down. I was in a fight for my life, facing mortality rates that shook me to my core.
I was offered the universal calling for my own divine intervention.
The universe whispered a name – 3 x over 2 weeks—Benjamin Kowal, a Regeneration Coach. It felt like fate, like a lifeline being thrown to me in my darkest hour. I knew I had to connect with him, to find a new path forward.
What a transformative encounter that was.
Ben entered my life on March 26th, 2021, and from that moment on, everything changed. Through his guidance, I found a level of healing I never thought possible, surpassing even my experiences with cancer, viral meningitis and other significant health challenges.
My journey of regeneration began.
With Ben's support, I embarked on a journey of detoxification, renewal, and deep introspection. We delved into the Invictus way, reclaiming my health step by step, hour by hour.
The promise of my new reality began to emerge.
By August 2021, I had moved beyond mere survival. My body was thriving, my spirit soaring. Together, Ben and I traversed healing crises, celebrated victories, and discovered the power of unity between body, mind, and soul.
Something that was definitely new and foreign to me.
Today, as I stand before you, I am a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Through the Invictus culture, I have found not only healing but a sense of belonging, a family united in the pursuit of wellness and all that it means to be human, I have found myself again and the calling to higher potential.
Life has moved from a message of hope to deep gratitude.
To Ben, I offer my deepest gratitude. Your presence in my life has been nothing short of miraculous. Together, we have defied the odds, proving that with faith, determination, and the right support, anything is possible.
Often you have been called a Guru, and are very quick to say, hold up the mirror and spell out the word – G-U-R-U – the Invictus way and culture allows people to see the greatness that is them again.
So, to anyone out there facing their own battle, never lose hope.
Your journey may be difficult, but remember, you are the master of your fate, the captain of your soul.
And with Invictus by your side, you can and will conquer anything, but most importantly you will conquer yourself.
For years I travelled through what I termed 'my normal daily routine'. This included keeping good physical condition, eating all foods in moderation, and scheduling yearly checks with my GP and the Skin Cancer clinic without fail.
The yearly visits to the Skin Cancer Clinic resulted far more frequent checks due to numerous surgical procedures required to remove malignant tissues.
Along with this, I noticed several situations begin to emerge...
I have always prided myself on being relatively fit, enjoying every opportunity to work on our plot of land or walk 18 holes of golf, however I began to experience fatigue and also noticed increasing perspiration which prompted me to see my GP where he diagnosed with very high levels of Ferritin in my blood.
In addition to this I had also developed a cyst like growth on my head which was spreading and growing as a lump that reached approx. 20mm in diameter, and 10mm in height! I also had very large moles on my abdomen and back that had been there for years, I thought nothing of them (the cancer clinic were never concerned), Ben took one look and said we'll be getting rid of those!
For numerous years, on top of all this, I had been experiencing a lack of sleep due to sinus issues, I couldn't breathe through my nose. This led to all the things you could associate with a lack of oxygen to the body during sleep. After many tests and consults with my GP the answer was to ‘wait and see what happens’. What I really heard was ‘we don't know what to do'.
I was not prepared to allow my health to be compromised so l sought a better option. That option I sought came in the form of the Regenerative Therapies offered by Invictus Clinics (now the Invictus Health Hub).
I opted to pursue the ‘INVICTUS PLATINUM' program which was explained as a targeted protocol to rebuild every system of my body, and it did exactly that! It also led to an incredible shift in my mindset as well.
On my journey with Invictus, I have experienced a number of things, such as:
- A sheer abundance of energy.
- I lost weight from the areas that just wouldn't budge prior. I now understand, from Ben's teachings, what that weight really was! INFLAMMATION!
- After only 5 days my head was clear! No congestion in my sinus which has resulted in restful sleep and incredible cognitive clarity and ability!
- The issue with my iron levels returned to a normal level, proven with a blood test 5 weeks into the program.
- The blood test also showed that all other tests like blood sugar, PSA and Cholesterol had all improved.
- The growth on my head has reduced significantly and nearly gone.
- The very large, dark moles that has plagued my back and abdomen fell off.
- My sense of smell and taste is distinctly better.
- No more skin cancers (they literally "popped out, including portions missed during surgery).
I baffled my GP with the rapid improvements.
Since my inception into INVICTUS Platinum I have now a higher awareness of the food groups and fluids that support the human body, and most importantly, those that deteriorate it. Even now I still choose to use the botanicals, oils and tonics, recommended by Invictus under Ben's guidance, as I feel they provide the body with the nourishment to keep improving!
My health is better than it has ever been already, but again, from Ben's teachings, I understand that health and the life experience is limitless. If my journey to date is anything to go by, I would love a snapshot of my health and life 10 years from now!
Throughout my experience with Invictus, Ben has coached, supported, and inspired all the way through. He provides thorough answers to all questions raised and gave me the space and confidence to heal and learn. Invictus's approach using all-natural medicines and living food sources also provided me with the confidence to invest in my health through them.
Ben's knowledge of the human body, right down to the cellular level is remarkable! He has a true gift in his ability to articulate and explain things at a level of detail that is very easy to absorb and understand. He has a very approachable manner and relates to people on all levels.
My advice to anyone considering Invictus Clinics for your health journey is this: If you value your health like I do, and have a desire to recover your best self, you will need to be committed to doing the work that is set out. Trust the process and enjoy the journey. The lessons I have learnt through my time in the Invictus arena are invaluable!
I am 62 years of age and feel like I’m going on 30! I absolutely recommend Ben and Jodie of the Invictus Clinic to anyone looking to get their health back on track or get to a place you never thought possible!

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