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What is the purpose of Health?

I ask this question a lot of myself, and of others, because anything worth working on should absolutely have a clear purpose….

The narrative in the answers I typically hear are:

  • I want to be able to…
  • I don’t want to miss…
  • What will I do when I can’t…
  • I just want to be able to…
  • I just want to be able to without…

And it goes on….

Considering all the answers, including my own, I arrive at a single word that seems to catch-all quite well.


More specifically

  • Space in the physical body to be able to move free & strong.
  • Space in the mind to rule a reality.
  • Space in the heart to love unconditionally, and;
  • The Space to enjoy life’s variety without pain.

Can you imagine what would be possible for you with this amount of space?

The single most important thing that our programs allow people to do is create space for themselves to move. Whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally or energetically, a state of health & vital energy can only take residence in you once it has the space to move in.

The purpose of the INVICTUS systems is to help create that space for health to inhabit.

The 'WHY' Factor

A common barrier to attaining health

Clear purpose drives your commitment, but it's your WHY that drives the discipline to see the journey through.

A common concern among many that are considering the path of regenerative health is in their ability to stay the course and get the outcome they desire; aka, their discipline.  

In our experience, It always comes down to their ‘why’, often referred to as a 'higher purpose'. When a health goal is linked to a higher purpose (especially one that falls in the category of growth & contribution such as close family values or legacy), then the chance of success increases dramatically.

A persons ‘what' is the fuel that drives their desire to get healthy in the first place, but it’s the 'why' that is of critical importance in sustaining the work-rate over the duration needed to attain their desired level of health.

Not only is the ‘why’ important to the success itself, but also the enjoyment of the journey to get there. Those who choose to decide they’re ‘suffering’ through a journey to vital health very rarely get there, conversely, a powerful 'why' see's them sailing through the finish line, excited for the next opportunity!


A ‘why’ that commands ongoing action is one that intends for something greater than self. Even though the work is focused on yourself tangibly, a worthy ‘why’ always has a higher intention driving it.

To get an understanding of your true ‘why’, return to your purpose for health, or speak to us.

Find my 'Why' Framework

Which narrative aligns best with your purpose?

  • I want to be able to…
  • I don’t want to miss…
  • What will I do when I can’t…
  • I just want to be able to…
  • I just want to be able to without…
  • Insert your own…

Once you have it, complete the statement as it pertains to you, and begin questioning the purpose of each layer you uncover…. Typically, your ‘why’ will reveal itself within 6 levels.

A real summary example of an IHH 'Why-finding' session

Client : I just want to be able to… get out of bed and not take half the morning to overcome this foot pain!
IHH Coach : What is the purpose of overcoming foot pain…?
Client : Without the foot pain I would be able to attend gym classes in the morning with my husband…
IHH Coach : What is the purpose of attending gym classes with your husband…?
Client : It means that I might be fit enough and confident enough to join him on mountain bike events…
IHH Coach : What is the purpose of attending mountain bike events with him…?
Client : To feel included… confident… to enjoy those experiences with him…
IHH Coach : What is the purpose of that…?
Client : To feel like I’m contributing to the example we envisioned we would set for our kids!
IHH Coach : What is the purpose of being an example for your kids…?
Client : My kids are my greatest achievement, to embody a role model that they can aspire to would give me the greatest sense of self-worth and pride!
IHH Coach : And above that, future pace in your mind to where it’s done and you have achieved all that… What's even higher than the intention of being a role model to your kids?
Client : The sensation of complete fulfilment in my life! I feel so much peace, and so much freedom knowing I did good!
IHH Coach : And all that became possible by simply creating space in your feet to allow health to inhabit them…. How do you feel about things now?
Client : Where do we start, Let’s go!

Once you have your purpose and meaningful ‘why’, you have all the pieces you need to cultivate success and get the health you came for. Your job from there is to simply stay the course, do the work, allow health to pivot into place, and then use it!

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